The Hunting Act

Hunting Act 2004

On 18th November 2004 the Hunting Act was passed which controlled the hunting of wild mammals with dogs and prohibited hare coursing in England and Wales. The Hunting Act 2004, which came into force three months later on the 18th February 2005, is not an absolute prohibition on the hunting of wild mammals with dogs and permits some types of hunting if an exemption applies. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 pre-dated legislation on hunting in the rest of Britain by two years.

The Hunting Act was the culmination of many years of campaigning by many animal welfare and anti-hunt groups and individuals. Polling from Ipsos MORI, conducted in 2017 showed that 85% of people think fox hunting should remain illegal, 87% of people think stag should remain illegal and 90% think hare coursing and hare hunting should remain illegal.

Hunting Act 2004

Claims that the Hunting Act 2004 is unworkable and unenforceable are erroneous and the number of convictions under the Act compares favourably to the number of convictions under other wildlife legislation. There have been 497 convictions under the Hunting Act recorded and published by the Ministry of Justice since 2005 to 2018. A further 47 people have admitted an offence under the Act to the police since 2005 for which they received a formal police caution as an alternative to being prosecuted in court. For the time period 2005 to 2017 the Ministry of Justice recorded and published 242 convictions and 30 formal police cautions under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and 33 convictions under the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996.

This website has been produced for police officers and the Crown Prosecution Service as a means of sharing the wealth of expertise that has been built up during the enforcement of the Hunting Act.

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Hunting With Dogs - A Guide To The Hunting Act

hunting Act

Hunting with Dogs – A Guide to the Hunting Act

Our comprehensive guide to the Hunting Act for enforcement professionals deals with all aspects of the law.